Lyttleton-based guitarist, bassist, clarinetist, and electronic noodler Peter Wright has been making drones for decades. He has an absolutely massive back catalogue, with Discogs listing 48 albums under his name and 41 releases on his Bandcamp page. Then there’s aliases and bands on top of that. His music under his own name often contains distortion and feedback, sometimes tempered and restrained, sometimes just going hard out.
A relatively recent, relatively ambient album is Nest. (2020), which tries to evoke a kahu in flight. It’s more synthy and softer than a lot of his back catalogue.
Another of the softer ones is Orbit (2012), which is three long tracks with a slowly-changing mix of sounds in each including chant-like vocals, clarinet, guitars and what sounds like keyboards to me (popular electronic music production environment Ableton Live is name-checked in the description).
Lights Out (2018) is a noisier, but still often gentle release, perversely ending with the moody, textured “Begin Here”.
Wright looks to run the Distant Bombs label, a “small town, small time recorded artifact dispenser, with a specific focus on droner sludge, eviscerating scree, temporal hum and bipolar clatter.” A bunch of it is music that involves him, so that gives you some pointers to what he (sometimes) sounds like.