Rob Thorne (Ngati Tumutumu) makes music with taonga pūoro and loop pedals, layering sounds in his own unique way and creating atmospheres that are surely a good time for ambient listeners. He has also become known for more experimental efforts with Fis adding electronic layers.
Although Rob has performed for over 25 years, his first solo album, using the combo of taonga pūoro and looping, was Whāia Te Māramatanga (2012) on Rattle.
He has a couple of other solo releases on his Bandcamp page, but also other noisier, still at least ambient-adjacent material from his collaborations with Fis online as well, such as Clear Stones (2017) and Ngā Parirau o te Kārearea (2017).
Whāia Te Māramatanga (2012)